02版 数字 七成网友赞成曝光诺而不捐企业 Survey: 70% of People Support Exposure of Enterprises Failed Fulfilling Pledges It is recently revealed that a total of 2.775 billion yuan’s donation pledges made through the “Guangdong Poverty Alleviation Day” activity in 2010 and 2011, have yet to be fulfilled. As the result of “Philanthropic Survey”, 70.05% of the respondents think that the enterprises which fail to fulfill their pledges should be exposed.
04版 新闻 北京市民政局推进局属社会组织改革 Funds Cut for 21 Social Organizations under BCAB BCAB (Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau) recently lauched the reform on social organizations by starting a pilot run on its own units. 21 organizations in its own steup will not be funded by BCAB anymore in the future.
05版 新闻 企业社工:需求与认知的落差 Enterprise Social Work in Infancy In this past July, a total number of 80 enterprises and social work organizations from 15 provinces and 3 cities were enrolled on a list announced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs for a pilot project in facilitating social work in enterprises. But as a matter of fact, there is a long way to go before the society has gained a clearer perception of the necessity of social work in enterprises.
06版 新闻 董事会年轻化与独立意识形成
远离冯仑的万通基金会 Vantone Foundation: A Younger Board and its Independency Since the first day of the foundation’s establishment in 5 years ago, Feng Lun, the Chairman of Vantone Holdings Co., Ltd., seemed to have deliberately kept his distance from it. In fact, the foundation has trying hard to maintain it independency from the company.
08-09版 封面报道 从公益发烧友到专业人
地方性公募基金会的小崔样本 Cui Yongyuan: From Amateur to Professional The newly-established Beijing Yongyuan Welfare Foundation is the first local public fundraising foundation in its area that undergoes no registration at any supervision bodies.As a well-known CCTV host, the foundation’s legal representative Cui Yongyuan has made steady steps on his way in philanthropy.
13版 国际 天鹅面包坊:忘记他们是残障人士 Swan Bakery: Manage With Love, Justice and Courage The principle of normalization aims “to realize a society where persons with and without disabilities work together and live together.” Swan Bakery is a corporation that the late Mr. Masao Ogura, founder of the Kuroneko-Yamato Home Delivery Service, established for the purpose of making this philosophy come true.
16版 寻找慈善传统 盛宣怀:红会首任会长与慈善创新 Sheng Xuanhuai: First President of Red Cross China As the “Father of Chinese Modern Industry” and the “Father of Chinese Modern Commerce”, the official of Qing dynasty Sheng Xuanhuai has created numerous “fisrt” in China, including the first modern bank, first telegraphy company, the first iron and steel joint enterprise…He was also the founder and the first president of the Red Cross Society of China.