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News headlines, 24 Sep. 2013, issue 186

2013-10-24 来源 :未知  作者 : 小赟

02版 数字
Survey: Over 70% of People Say No to Donation Through New Technology
Tencent Charity Foundation has recently performed their first trial in mobile fundraising, by using the newest payment function in WeChat, the popular moblie social application which developed by Tencent company. As the result of “Philanthropic Survey”, however, 74.09% of the respondents are concerned about the safety of mobile payments.

03-07版 慈展会特别报道
China Charity Fair 2013
The second annual China Chairy Fair has just been lowered its curtain. You can follow our steps to see how charitable organizations all over the state participated in the biggest annual party in the philanthropic circle for the last 72 hours.

08-09版 新闻 

A Federation for Social Work Organizations Comes Into Function
At the 3rd Work Conference of National Social Work Associations, social work organizations from various cities have shared their experiences. A nationwide federation was also officially set up to solidify the achievement in social works.

10版 新闻 
Angels Gearing Up
The Chinese Red Cross Foundation (CRCF) has decided to devolve the power of giving final approval for appliants in its “Angel Plan”, which had been set up 8 years to give funds to people with catastrophic diseases.
11版 专题
Turn “Sunset Career” into Sunrise Industry
The Aiwan Project (“aiwan” literally means “to love the elderly”) has made a distinctive way on the journey of exploring the Chinese aged care patterns. With the joint efforts of administrative powers and social efforts, it tries to develop a social aged care pattern which integrates home care, community service and institutional establishements.

14版 国际 
FairPhone: Bringing Ethics To Western Technology
We often feel the need to keep up with the latest gadgets and cell phones, but in order for us to live these lifestyles, people in other parts of the world are paying the price. One company, FairPhone, has set out to make a change in this industry by sourcing their materials and having their phones produced in the hearts of where the change needs to happen but in an ethical way. 
16版 寻找慈善传统

Jane Addams: A Pioneer in American Community Reforms
Humanitarian and social reformer Jane Addams, born into wealth and privilege, devoted herself to improving the lives of those less fortunate.She is best remembered for establishing Hull House and being the first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, she was the first American woman to receive that honor.

电子报e-paper: http://www.gongyishibao.com/newdzb/html/2013-09/24/node_1.htm